Election 2020

Meaning what? That you believe straight white Christian men should have been chosen instead? Is that the discrimination you are hinting at?
Meaning he should be hiring Americans to represent Americans. Not black people, not white people, not gay people, not straight people, not any of the 9000 "genders". Just Americans. When someone asked them a question about the whole Gamestop thing, their answer was "we have the first woman treasury secretary" as if having the "correct" shape of genitalia was the solution to every problem.

When you hire someone based on criteria like skin color or gender, you not only discriminate against anyone not in that category, but also cheapen the accomplishments of the person you did hire. Did they get the job because they were the best qualified or did they get it because the boss needed to do some pandering to the fake outrage mob? It shouldn't matter what shade of brown your skin is or who you find attractive unless the job specifically applies that criteria is some tangible way, and there aren't many jobs like that outside of the porn industry.
Unlike Trump, Biden did hire the best people regardless of their gender, skin colour or preferred choice of sex partner. That is why the people in charge represent a cross section of America. I know it is hard for someone like yourself to understand this...a white, straight Christian male is not always the most qualified person for a job. They have not been discriminated against, they have traditionally been the discriminators.
Gym Jordan R OHIO ...."I believe Matt Gaetz". When Gym was an assistant coach for the Ohio State wrestling team, he believed the team doctor who was molesting students, not the kids who reported it to him and the abuse continued for years. 350 students were molested and just under 50 raped. Maybe Gym should sit this one out.

Matt was the only congressman who voted against a federal child trafficking law. Now we know why.

a week ago Matt said that if he was ever involved in a scandal, he wanted it to be known as Gaetzgate.

Doesn't matter what you call it, it is damn greasy.
For those keeping track, Gaetz is now accused of stealing money to pay to **** a bunch of child sex slaves in an orgy and being extorted for funds to rescue an American hostage held in Iran. Hopefully, he decides to go on network primetime news again to clear everything up.
On the European spectrum maybe. On the American spectrum, fascism is 100% no question a left wing ideal.
So what's your definition of fascism? At this point, it appears to be just hollow rhetorics to me. Make out something that's not of your liking and give it a terrible name, let's say.... fascism! I would take you more serious if you say "I don't approve of this and that left-wing ideas for these and those reasons." instead.
So what's your definition of fascism? At this point, it appears to be just hollow rhetorics to me. Make out something that's not of your liking and give it a terrible name, let's say.... fascism! I would take you more serious if you say "I don't approve of this and that left-wing ideas for these and those reasons." instead.
By his definition? Anyone who voted Dem.
So what's your definition of fascism? At this point, it appears to be just hollow rhetorics to me. Make out something that's not of your liking and give it a terrible name, let's say.... fascism! I would take you more serious if you say "I don't approve of this and that left-wing ideas for these and those reasons." instead.
1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

So yeah. The present day American extreme left wing to a tee.
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Unlike Trump, Biden did hire the best people regardless of their gender, skin colour or preferred choice of sex partner. That is why the people in charge represent a cross section of America. I know it is hard for someone like yourself to understand this...a white, straight Christian male is not always the most qualified person for a job. They have not been discriminated against, they have traditionally been the discriminators.

I know it is hard for someone like yourself to understand this, but sometimes a white, straight, Christian male is the most qualified person for a job. In fact, when they make up the vast majority of a population, the most qualified person often is a straight white person. Biden is deliberately going out of his way to bring on non-white, non-straight, non-male, non-christians and make a big deal out of doing so, and that is the tokenism that you despise so very much.

Trump hired people because of their qualifications. And then frequently fired them when they failed at their job or pissed him off. Whether you considered them the best qualified or not, skin color was not a factor. The only people who include skin color in job interviews are those pandering to the woke.
But you don't have an autocratic government or a dictatorial leader in the US, nor any significant movement that strives for it, in particular not those who you accuse to be fascists. I would agree that the US president has a too strong position, however, but that might be just my personal opinion. I understand that this has historical reasons, from times when countries were logistically more difficult to be led.
But you don't have an autocratic government or a dictatorial leader in the US, nor any significant movement that strives for it,
Have you been paying any attention the last year? The last four years? Even just the last few months? 🤨
sometimes a white, straight, Christian male is the most qualified person for a job.
Sometimes, not ALL the time.

The last admin had the highest turnover rate of any admin. The fact that the R's had a senate majority and Trump still had to rely on "acting" cabinet leaders proves these were not the best person for the job.
The last admin had the highest turnover rate of any admin. The fact that the R's had a senate majority and Trump still had to rely on "acting" cabinet leaders proves these were not the best person for the job.
Before he was president, Trump had a reality T.V. show all about him firing people. A high turnover rate for his admin was far from unexpected.
Have you been paying any attention the last year? The last four years? Even just the last few months? 🤨
I'm waiting for rational arguments why it is like that. So far I haven't noticed any, just hollow rhetorics and namecallings.
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Glurin, you are not just happy being a little racist, you want to add a delusional to the mix too.
I'm waiting for rational arguments why it is like that. So far I haven't noticed any, just hollow rhetorics and namecallings.
You will not get a rational argument from him.
I'm waiting for rational arguments why it is like that. So far I haven't noticed any, just hollow rhetorics and namecallings.
Dude, it wasn't that long ago they were discussing re-education camps for anyone who voted the "wrong" way. They're still campaigning for more censorship in social media. And just try even implying there was anything at all hinkey about the election results despite the fact that they were preemptively bitching about it for months. Antifa. Autonomous zones. Portland is still on fire. HR1 turns our election system into a total sham. Biden has already promised to bypass congress and the constitution to enact laws. Unilateral mask mandates. Vaccine passports. Not to mention all the other shit they pulled under the lockdown excuse. Dehumanization and ostracizing of any with dissenting opinions. And all of that is just scratching the surface.

If the only evidence you will accept is Biden growing a silly mustache and hanging a swastika behind his desk, then it's going to be way too late. Stop looking at names and symbols and start looking at words and actions.