Crucible devs appear to be floundering as update plans are announced


New member
May 26, 2020
Last weekend I decided to give Crucible a try and I was really disappointed that this was the best a dev team could come up with for a team shooter. Not only does it look really rough but the game itself is lacking in so many areas. I kept reading it was a team shooter with PvE and MOBA elements but it's just a dull team shooter. So disappointed with it. Now it looks like they are yanking two fo the game modes out and focusing on the Heart of the Hives mode. To be fair this is the best mode but even then it's not that good. I have no idea how they will salvage this game based on the core foundation.

Here's the video where they outline their plans.

I was going to check this out but have not had a chance. I think I might drop in and see what kind of shape this is in. Not been hearing great things though.
This thread on Reddit is quite damning from a dev who was involved in the game. It sounds like a development disaster was waiting to happen. It sounds like we don't know the half of it when it comes to the game turning out like it did.

For clarification(so this will make more sense): I worked at a separate studio that got hired on by Amazon help co-develop and move things along with Crucible. Our other [in-house] project wasn’t doing too hot, so we really had no other choice but to accept the offer. Anyways, back to my answer.

Swear to god the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my professional life was when we started the project, and I kid you not by the second day our entire engineering team left. It’s that bad.

Now, I want to say I remember something along the lines that Lumberyard wasn’t going to be the standard for future projects but I’ve all but tried to forget everything around that time. I don’t even put it on my resume. You guys don’t even know about the planned launcher they were working on and finally cancelled mere weeks before giving the game closed access to “VIPs”. God that whole project was a joke.