Confess Your Real Life Embarrassing Moments


Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
I was just reminded of something I did when I was younger that was really naff (cringe-worthy, embarrassing, uncool, wanky, etc) and I wanted to hear from anyone else who looks back on something done years ago and cringes?

Story 1

When I was 16 I used to buy Just Seventeen girl's magazine and walking home from the newsagents I would always carry it under my arm with the cover facing outwards so people would think I was 17. Who knows why that was important but I look back now and think what a twat.

just seventeen.jpg

Story 2

It was 1977 and Brit Virginia Wade was in the Wimbledon final. I was staying at my Dad's family in Birmingham and the entire family were there. All my uncles, aunts, parents and nanny. I was sat on the floor right in front of the TV leaning on a footstool.

I rushed off for a quick wee before the match began and when I returned I skipped right across the lounge to my stool and shouted "oooo Vagina Wade!" Seems like nothing now, but I had said "vagina" in front of my entire family and was utterly mortified. The room fell deadly silent and I just sat at my footstool staring ahead at the TV, cheeks burning up, too embarrassed to move for the entire match.
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The letter 't' is next to the letter 'g' on the keyboard, and I no longer end work emails with"regards."
After writing news for game sites over many, many years, I soon became very aware that the letter 'i' is next to the letter 'o'. I often caught myself writing new 'screenshits have been released' :p
Sophomore year of Highschool, biology class.

Teacher giving a lecture about the basics of Biology and says something along the lines of "Every living thing is made of cells." then asks us if we can think of anything that doesn't fit that statement.

Mid sentence, "say "Prisons have cells too!"

As he continues and finishes saying -That's alive?

Yeah. I know.

My entire life.

But last week, Xmas Eve to be exact, was when it sank in that Santa Claus in the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" was Daddy. This entire time I thought Momma was a ho (no judgement) and making out with Santa. Now I know Momma just has a Santa fetish (again, no judgement).
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My worst vocabulary failure ever (I'm German): About 10 years ago, in the moderator forum, I ranted about something and I used the word "twat", thinking that it just means something like idiot, but... well yeah. There were women around, like Xora and probably Elly as well.

Edit: It's probably 15 years ago, but I still remember.
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My worst vocabulary failure ever (I'm German): About 10 years ago, in the moderator forum, I ranted about something and I used the word "twat", thinking that it just means something like idiot, but... well yeah. There were women around, like Xora and probably Elly as well.

Edit: It's probably 15 years ago, but I still remember.
I think I remember that.
About 10 years ago, in the moderator forum, I ranted about something and I used the word "twat", thinking that it just means something like idiot, but... well yeah.
Yes, it has a double meaning but I've never heard it used in any context other than "idiot". It's also my absolute favorite cuss word!

Don't feel bad. Those Brits really do have the market cornered on the best profanity.
Gee, thanks for the extra embarrassment :)
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