What I like about Dr. Sowell's point is that being opinionated is now treated as a virtue (as long as the opinions are those approved by the Establishment), while actually comprehending the reasons behind both the pro & con of an issue are treated as borderline boring.
Instead, screaming mindless hatred at those who dare to disagree with what has been determined by manipulative organizations to be the "popular" opinion is the norm and viewed as moral. It's not inherently a partisan problem, but there's big money in guiding what "popular" opinion will be and getting the populace to go that direction.
I just dealt with this an hour ago discussing Net Neutrality with my son. Both sides of the argument had been stuffed full of hyperbolic assertions, but only the "Pro" side were actually claiming people would die if it wasn't passed.
I've cited Remy's "People Will Die" video previously so there's no need to do so again.