You may go to a different state for an abortion. Or can your home state prosecute you then once you came back?
I don't think it's an issue. Ever hear the old saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."? Basically the same principle. What you do in other states is not your home state's business, and that's generally the way most rational people feel about it. Unless you bring it home with you of course. For example, during the big push to legalize marijuana, some states had an uptick in arrests for possession because people thought they could just buy it in a state that legalized it and transport it into or across a state that didn't. Well they found out otherwise when they got pulled over for speeding or weaving or, you know, driving three miles an hour on the freeway because they were too stoned to go any faster.
That's kind of how the U.S. is supposed to function. The constitution lays out a small handful of basic rules that everyone has to abide by, but anything not listed is up to each state to decide for themselves. The federal government is supposed to be a LOT smaller and a LOT less powerful than it is. Technically it's only real purpose is to keep the states from going to war with each other and protect them from invasion.