Here's the game I am involved in making


Staff member
Mar 12, 2020
On top of looking after all you lovely Diablo people, this is the project I am currently involved in and we released our debut trailer this week.

If you like what you see give us a Wishlist on Steam!

If you have any comments (good or bad) leave me some feedback :)
That guy needs to move. Period. It's a sellers market..

Seriously though, that's looking good @Rush! I'm curious, is the black and white anything technically related, or just an aesthetic choice? I don't know if it's possible, but have you tried adding bits of color? Something like Sin City? I feel like it may be easy to overlook some details with everything being in b&w. Red blood coming out of the portrait, a creepy colored eyeball on the book cover, that sort of thing?
It's an aesthetic choice in the film noir style. We are about 5 months into development and a lot has changed already. We started in colour and moved to B&W because it captured the mood a lot better. The next few months will determine the final direction as we gather more feedback and we complete a vertical slice for potential publishers.
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A new dev blog went up today if you are interested :)

Some more details in this interview with Mark :)

Who is the voice actor? He sounds familiar.