Best SciFi movie ever


Aug 17, 2003
Blade Runner, period. RIP Rutger Hauer, your monologue at the end of the movie was one of the greatest I'ver ever heard.

Your opinions?
Thats a goood one but Id vote for Arnold and Predator... Or maybe even the Original Matrix - total Mind Fer there...
Can't say it was among my favorites, but I've got nothing in particular against it. Predator is definitely up there though, along with the first two Alien movies. The original Star Trek movies, original Star Wars and Ghost in the Shell (1995) are on the list also. Not sure what order I'd put them in, however.
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Blade Runner, period.

Totally agree - BUT... which cut? There are - I believe - seven versions of the film. I'm partial to the Final Cut (2007) myself in spite of one truly terrible creative decision on Ridley Scott's part (I won't spoil it if you're unaware).

@Glurin Alien is one of my all time favs, but I tend to see it as more of a horror film than sci-fi. Space ship = haunted house. Alien = ghost (or slasher).
Blade Runner (the original version) is my #1. The last sci-fi movie made without any CGI. And yeah... the Tannhäuser Gate speech is an all-time classic moment!
The Matrix is a close 2nd.
@Glurin Alien is one of my all time favs, but I tend to see it as more of a horror film than sci-fi. Space ship = haunted house. Alien = ghost (or slasher).
That's fair, though I'd look at it as horror being the sub-category. Little bit of a chicken or the egg situation I guess. Is it Sci-fi first and horror second, or the other way around? :unsure:
Little bit of a chicken or the egg situation I guess.

Yep, you hit the nail square on the head there. I ran into a similar conundrum when considering whether or not I wanted to bring up Mad Max 2. It's sci-fi for sure but it's also a fantasy... action thriller. Is it "sci-fi" enough for a list like this? I can't decide! :unsure:

There are several "must-see" oldies that I can add to the list though:
Metropolis (1927)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
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hmm... Could we count Total Recall, the one with Arnold? I ****ing love that movie. I have not seen the newer one. Not sure if I want to. I also love Demolition Man but, to me, that tends to be more action than sci-fi.

I'm a bit surprised no one has said The Fifth Element. Great ****ing movie too, I adore it. 😍😍

EDIT: Dredd, I think I put Metropolis on My List on NF a long ass time ago. I just never got around to it (My List is HUGE). I hope it's still there, lol!
Well yes, 5th Element, it's good, but it had a few cringy moments, like when it was revealed that the5th element is


Another one: Solaris. Not the recent one (although it's good as well), but the one from the USSR, although I'm not entirely sure if I got everything right when I saw that version... I think I was 15 back then and IIRC it was on GDR TV. That version has no special effects, but I think it doesn't need any. The book is fantastic, by the way.

Edit: Nobody mentioned Terminator yet, right? The first one is the best ("I'll be back"... originally a cite from Patton BTW when he had to leave the Philippines in WW2) and even part 2 was pretty good. Hasta la vista, baby! Or: I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
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I'm really not that much into sci-fi, so I'm just gonna mention two that I enjoyed watching and which haven't been mentioned yet.
Equilibrium (Or Cubic as it is also known).

I enjoyed both of their dystopian take on a future and I was captured by the worldbuilding in Equilibrium. Gattaca also had, what I thought, was a solid thriller aspect to it, which I always like.
These are not the best that I have watched, by no means. But others had already mentioned the likes of Alien and Matrix, both of which I really liked.
hmm... Could we count Total Recall, the one with Arnold? I ****ing love that movie. I have not seen the newer one. Not sure if I want to.
Sure, I'd say that one definitely counts. Like you though, I have no desire to see the remake. The trailers really didn't speak to me and remakes tend to just suck in general anyway. Especially when they try to remake the classics. Always somebody on the team in a decision making position who thinks they can make it "even better than the original", but all they really do is screw it up and insult the fans.
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Edit: Nobody mentioned Terminator yet, right? The first one is the best ("I'll be back"... originally a cite from Patton BTW when he had to leave the Philippines in WW2) and even part 2 was pretty good. Hasta la vista, baby! Or: I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
Ahem, I believe it's McArthur and "I will return" :p

Also, I've just thought of another film that got me of the last few years: Annihilation. Hits so many interesting different scifi beats.
Right, McArthur. I sometimes confuse the two.